Ayurvedic Doctor shares health tips for night shift workers
Health Tips

The Ultimate Guide to Staying Fit and Healthy While Working Night Shifts in India

Working night shifts can be extremely challenging, especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In India, the night shift culture is becoming increasingly prevalent across industries. Today, night shifts are common in the IT, healthcare, customer care and hospitality industries. Also, many employees who work for Western clients have to opt for shift duty.

As such, there is a rising struggle for achieving work-life balance and wellness.

The odd working hours can disrupt sleep patterns, increase stress levels and unhealthy eating habits. This has also resulted in poor immunity, disrupted sleep patterns and increased mental health issues.

So, does it mean that Indians should avoid night shifts at all costs?

Well, no!

With smart planning and lifestyle changes, it is possible to stay fit and healthy even while working night shifts.

In this ultimate guide, I will reveal a few proven tips and tricks to help you stay on track with your fitness goals, despite the irregular work timings. From meal planning and exercise routines to stress management techniques and sleep hygiene practices, these are the things you must know.

Understanding the impact of night shifts on your health

Humans are non-nocturnal animals. They are, by design, meant to rest at night. That’s how the alignment of our biological clocks works. But life got so expensive, that people traded their sleep to earn a modest living. The rising number of night workers around the city is a tell-tale. In this blog, I will share simple Health tips for night shift workers!

About 20% of the population works night shifts. 

This trend of staying awake through the night is against nature. And everything that defies the laws of nature has repercussions. Irritation to headache, hair fall, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Not sleeping at night comes at a considerable cost.

These days it’s not only the night workers who sacrifice their sleep. But every parent of a Z-generation kid complains of their zombie habits. That’s why, I am drafting this blog to shed some light on the topic.

In this blog, I bring you simple and easy Health tips for night shift workers. Check out amazing ways of correcting sleep patterns and the health tips to reduce the damage done!

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Research on repercussions of night shifts – 5 proven health hazards of working night shifts

Working on the night shift disrupts the entire circadian rhythm. 

Circadian rhythm is the 24-hour biological clock. It functions in line with nature’s clock. The body gains several benefits by sticking to nature’s routine. From the light of the sun to the darkness of night, the routine benefits the body and brain in many ways.

Psychologists revealed that working in night shift results in hormonal and metabolic changes. In the long run, night shifts impact the markers involved in the regulation of body weight. It impairs your leptin, insulin, and cortisol. These changes raise the risks for obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancers.  

Studies say that the night shift increases instances of gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, and poor sleep. A disruption in sleep-wake time disturbs the 24-hour cycle of diet and activities. 

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  • Night shifts and cancer risk

Long-term night shifts can cause permanent damage to the body and brain. There are several pieces of research and studies that have backed this statement. Long-term night shift work is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer

Night shifts can increase several risk factors for cancer. International Agency on Cancer Research (IARC) has classified night shift work as a probable carcinogen.

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  • Night shifts and heart problems

Shift work can increase the risk of heart disease. Night shift jobs impact dietary choices, lifestyle judgements and psycho-social stress that contributes to heart risks

Sacrificing nighttime sleep throws the body off its circadian rhythms. It acts as a chronic stressor and makes one more susceptible to heart problems. Research published in ScienceDirect concluded that cardiovascular risk was 67% higher among night-shift workers.

An article posted on Harvard.edu quoted research on the night shift and heart health. It said working in rotating shifts for more than 10 years increases the risk of developing heart disease by 15-18 % in women.

Also Read: 10 amazing tips to fall asleep fast

  • Night shifts and diabetes

Working night shifts is associated with an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes. And people who live life at the intersection of an unhealthy lifestyle and night shifts are at the greatest risk of the disease. 

The disruption of circadian rhythms continued for years can result in obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Night shifts disrupt social and biological rhythms and increase the risk of metabolic disorders like hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia.

There are several studies to support this link. In 2012, Brigham and Women’s Hospital reported disrupted sleep patterns as a risk factor for obesity and type 2 diabetes. In 2014 a Chinese study too concluded that shift work can increase diabetes risk by 37%.

Also Read: Sleeping More on Weekends is not an Answer for sleep loss

  • Night shifts and gastrointestinal problems

Night shifts are bad, especially for the gut! 

Shift work is held culprit for gastrointestinal disorders. Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea, and irritable bowel syndrome are some of the common problems. Several clinical studies on nurses with night duties have revealed IBS and abdominal pain to be a common hazard of night shifts.

Also Read: Why women need more sleep than men?

  • Night Shifts and health hazards

Insufficient or irregular sleep is directly linked to several health hazards. Apart from the above troubles, night shifts are associated with depression. Working at night is a big stressor that unleashes all the ill effects of stress. Stress hits the mind but cracks every part of the body. Thus, the night shift costs much more than just losing sleep!!!

It’s called the graveyard shift for a reason!

Health Tips for night shift workers in India

After the above discussion, avoiding night shifts seem like the best idea. But some industries have to run 24/7 requiring us to work odd hours. And somebody has to do the job! Understanding this requirement, here are a few tips from an Ayurvedic doctor who has treated these sleep-related disorders for over 2 decades.

Check out these 10 Health tips for night shift workers!

10 Tips for staying fit and healthy during night shifts

Working night shifts does not mean that you have to compromise on your health and fitness. With some simple lifestyle changes, you can stay on track with your fitness goals and feel your best. Here are some tips to help you stay fit and healthy during night shifts:

  • Plan your meals: Meal planning is crucial for night shift workers, as it helps maintain a healthy diet and avoid unhealthy snacking. Include a good mix of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Avoid sugary and processed foods, as they can lead to energy crashes and weight gain. Eat a tablespoon of ghee every day and cut down on caffeine consumption. Most importantly, eat an early but light dinner.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is essential for overall health and well-being. Make sure to keep a water bottle with you at all times and sip water regularly throughout your shift. Avoid sugary drinks and caffeine, as they can dehydrate the body and disrupt sleep patterns.
  • Exercise regularly: Exercise can help reduce stress, boost energy levels, and improve sleep quality. Squeeze in at least 30 minutes of workout in your daily routine without fail. This is very important for your physical and mental well-being. You can choose any exercise style – yoga, pilates, cardio, weights, or dance.
  • Stick to a sleep schedule: Quality sleep is vital for night shift workers. Make sure to establish a sleep routine and stick to it, even on your days off. Use blackout curtains and earplugs to create a sleep-conducive environment.
  • Prioritize self-care: Working night shifts can be stressful and exhausting, so it’s essential to prioritize self-care. Take breaks throughout your shift, stretch your body and maintain proper posture. Get adequate sunlight for at least 10 minutes in the early morning.
  • Focus on Stress Management – When you are working a night shift, it is very important to prioritize stress management. Try yoga, meditation, and adaptogens like Ashwagandha and Brahmi to your diet. Ayurvedic Head and body massage help relax the body, relieve body pains, and promote blood circulation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Why is it challenging to maintain fitness and health while working night shifts in India?

Answer: Working night shifts in India can pose unique challenges to maintaining fitness and health. The disruption of the body’s natural circadian rhythm, limited access to healthy food options, and lack of regular exercise opportunities can make it challenging to prioritize well-being during unconventional work hours.

Question 2: How can I manage my sleep schedule when working night shifts in India?

Answer: Managing your sleep schedule is crucial when working night shifts. Create a dark and quiet environment in your bedroom during the day, use blackout curtains to block sunlight, and consider using earplugs or white noise machines to minimize disturbances. Establishing a consistent sleep routine and sticking to it even on your days off can help regulate your body’s internal clock.

Question 3: What should I eat during night shifts to maintain a healthy diet?

Answer: To maintain a healthy diet during night shifts, focus on balanced meals that include a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals. Pack nutritious snacks like nuts, seeds, or yogurt to avoid relying on vending machine options. Avoid heavy and greasy foods that can make you feel sluggish.

Question 4: How can I stay active while working night shifts in India?

Answer: Staying active during night shifts is essential for your overall well-being. Incorporate short bursts of physical activity throughout your shift, such as taking brisk walks during breaks or doing simple exercises like squats or stretches. If possible, join a gym that offers 24-hour access to fit exercise into your schedule. Alternatively, consider following online workout videos or apps tailored for night shift workers.

Question 5: Are there any specific tips for managing stress while working night shifts?

Answer: Managing stress while working night shifts is crucial for your mental health. Engage in stress-reducing activities like deep breathing exercises, meditation, or listening to calming music during breaks. Stay connected with friends and family, even if it means adjusting your communication schedule. Find a healthy outlet for stress such as journaling, painting, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy.

Question 6: How can I prevent fatigue and stay energized during night shifts?

Answer: Preventing fatigue and staying energized during night shifts requires proper self-care. Prioritize quality sleep by creating a comfortable sleeping environment and establishing a consistent bedtime routine. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout your shift and limit your caffeine intake, especially closer to the end of your shift, to ensure a better quality of sleep.

Question 7: What are some strategies for maintaining a social life while working night shifts in India?

Answer: Maintaining a social life while working night shifts can be challenging, but not impossible. Plan social activities on your days off, so you have dedicated time to spend with friends and loved ones. Communicate your schedule with them in advance and find activities that align with your availability. Joining social groups or online communities of night shift workers can also provide a sense of camaraderie.

Question 8: How can I manage my nutrition when meal options are limited during night shifts?

Answer: When meal options are limited during night shifts, planning ahead is key. Prepare and pack your meals and snacks in advance, focusing on nutrient-dense foods. Opt for homemade meals with a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetables. If ordering from outside, choose healthier options such as salads, grilled proteins, or soups. Limit your intake of processed foods and sugary drinks.

Question 9: Can you suggest some strategies for adjusting back to a daytime routine on days off?

Answer: Adjusting back to a daytime routine on days off can help maintain a sense of balance. To do this, try to limit your exposure to bright lights and electronic devices before going to bed. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath or reading a book, to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. Gradually shift your sleep schedule by waking up and going to bed earlier each day until you reach a desired daytime routine.

Question 10: How can I combat feelings of loneliness or isolation while working night shifts?

Answer: Working night shifts can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation due to the difference in schedules between friends and family. Combat this by proactively seeking social connections. Make an effort to spend quality time with loved ones during your days off, even if it means adjusting your schedule or finding creative ways to connect virtually. Additionally, consider joining social or recreational groups specifically for night shift workers to meet others who share similar experiences.


Certain jobs are unavoidable and they come with their own difficulties. For night shift workers, it’s the disruption of circadian rhythm that results in distress. But can we function without them? The nurses, the pharmacists, the pilots, the watchmen, the police and all the other nocturnal beings who keep the city safe. 

But again, every job has hazards. Even the safest IT jobs are not that safe. Sitting on a chair all day long can also be damaging. So, it’s not about leaving the job, but about adapting healthy ways to counter the damage. 

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uma jagannath July 9, 2020 at 10:27 am

Very well projected for today’s generation. Hope it is an eye opener for everybody.. thank you doctor

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak July 9, 2020 at 4:47 pm

thank you madam

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