How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise?

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak

Yes, you can lose weight without exercise!

This is one of the most common questions that I get, ‘Doctor, can I lose weight without exercise’. The answer is ‘Yes’! 

I have helped many patients reach their weight loss goals without the gym. An old lady in her 60s complained of Arthritis pain in her knees. Exercise was not an option for her, but controlling her weight was very important in her condition. I suggested simple diet and lifestyle changes that brought a remarkable change in her body. 

Similarly, many in the corporate field come to me, asking for weight loss tips. Their busy schedules do not allow them to hit the gym and long hours spent on the chair are pushing them towards obesity, as such losing weight became one of the top priorities for them.

Ayurveda says, your body weight is determined by a 70 percent diet and 30 percent lifestyle. So, just by changing your diet, you can bring about a remarkable change in your weight. 

In this blog, I will be revealing 10 such tips that will help you lose weight without hitting the gym.

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise?

Maintaining a healthy and fit body is very important. But in today’s fast-paced life, it has become one of the most difficult tasks plaguing humans around the world. What was once a lifestyle has now become a luxury!

So, to turn the wheels of time, we have to go back to the ancient ways of living that are not just simple but also very effective in shaping your body. Here are 10 such tips from ancient wisdom that can help you achieve your weight loss goals without exercise.

Lose weight at the grocery store

I have written an entire blog on this. The best place to lose weight is at the grocery store. Avoid buying things that are high in calories and turn towards the aisle filled with nutrition. Do not buy sodas, packaged drinks, or sweetened beverages. Do not pick biscuits, cookies, cakes, chips, and other such processed foods. 

If you will bring them, then at some point or the other you will eat them, no matter how much you resist. But if you don’t stock them at your home, then you will be automatically cutting off the extra calories. This is a great place to start!

Change your plates and bowls

Several studies have shown that sizing down your plates and bowls can help in cutting down your portions subconsciously. According to Ayurveda, your meal portions should always be small but satiating. Thus, by switching to small bowls and plates, you can easily manage your portions. 

In the initial days, eating less may make you feel unsatiated, but after a few days, your body will get adjusted to this new routine. If the hunger lurks even after eating, then you can drink a glass of water or buttermilk. A plate of salad or fruit is also a good choice. 

Chew your food properly

Another very simple yet very effective remedy that I share with all my patients is – to chew more. Many people eat their meals in a hurry, not chewing the food properly. This not only causes indigestion but also results in the accumulation of fats around the body.

Chewing your food properly also makes you feel fuller and will prevent you from bingeing. Enjoy your food thoroughly, cut down all the distractions, focus on the food, engage all your sense organs, smell it, taste it, feel it, and then swallow it. This is mindful eating which has an immense effect on your health.

Add more protein and fiber

What you eat is a very important part of your weight loss journey. If you want to lose weight fast without exercise then you must switch your calories and carbs for protein and fiber. Both protein and fibre are very satiating which means they keep you fuller for longer. They also help improve digestion and metabolism.

Eating lots of vegetables and fruits can help you meet your fiber requirements. Harvard study says it should be a‘5-a-day’ mix of 3 vegetables and 2 fruits. In addition to this, add dairy, eggs, soya, sprouts, pulses, beans, and other protein sources to your daily diet.

Eat before 7 pm

In one of my previous blogs, I discussed how eating late at night can result in weight gain. Along with what you eat and how you eat when you eat is also an important part of your weight loss regime. If you want to lose weight fast, then make sure to have your dinner before 7 pm and hit bed by 10 pm. This might seem impossible until you make this your only choice!

In addition to this, make sure to have all your meals at a fixed time. Maintaining a disciplined eating routine helps your body process and digest food easily. Eating at 7 pm also gives you enough fasting time for your body to burn fats while sleeping. 

Opt for a Liquid diet

Many people have found an all-liquid diet very effective for losing weight. It is low in protein and fibre which gives your digestive system a break. The right liquid diet provides you with sufficient hydration and electrolytes which can help you stay fresh while shedding weight. 

However, it is important to note that while an all-liquid diet can be beneficial in certain circumstances, it should not be followed for an extended period of time due to the potential for adverse effects. You can opt for a one or two-day fasting in the week when you can go for only liquids. And make sure to choose your liquids wisely. Avoid sugar or packaged juices. Go for natural drinks and herbal juices.

Drink more water

This is the simplest, healthiest, and easiest way to lose weight. Drinking water not only keeps your body hydrated, but it also quickens digestion and flushes out toxins from the body. Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water and drink 1 or 2 glasses of water before every meal. This will make you feel full and automatically reduce the amount of food you eat. 

Also, many people confuse thirst with hunger. So, if you feel the urge to hunger, then drink a glass of water. If the hunger still continues, then eat something healthy. Avoid drinking sugary beverages. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, make your water taste better with creative tips. 

Avoid alcohol at all costs

If you want to lose weight fast without exercise, then you must cut back on alcohol. Alcohol is very high in calories. In addition to this, it disrupts your digestion and makes your body sluggish. This results in the accumulation of toxins in the body which leads to obesity.

If you are a regular drinker, then switch drinking alcohol to a healthy alternative. Engage yourself in some activities like playing, painting, or singing, this will keep the urge of drinking alcohol low. Avoid smoking too!

Get good quality sleep every night

Several studies have found that lack of sleep can result in obesity. It can further lead to poor decision-making when it comes to choosing their food and making lifestyle choices. Lack of sleep can also increase your appetite resulting in unhealthy bingeing. Thus, if you want to lose weight without exercise, then it is important that you get a good amount of quality sleep each night.

Get 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Set a proper night routine and adjust your room setting to promote sound sleep. Have a proper night routine, like taking a warm bath, foot massage, lighting aromatic candles, and setting the temperature. Also, avoid afternoon nap time.

Manage your stress levels

High stress can result in the release of cortisol, the stress hormone, which is directly associated with obesity. Cortisol can disrupt your overall appetite and interfere with your weight loss journey. 

Stress relieving techniques like meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, massage, warm bath, and music therapy can help in relieving stress. Start your day by meditating for 10 to 15 minutes, followed by an hour of yoga. In addition to this, deep breathing, walking in the outdoors, pursuing hobbies, and gratitude diary writing can help in relieving stress.

Your takeaway!

Losing weight without exercise is possible. With simple changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can lose a few kilos. This will not only help in achieving your weight loss goals but also help in leading a healthy lifestyle.

However, to get a well-toned body, you must include exercise in your daily routine. Even a 30-minute brisk walk can help. Corporates can go for a quick walk after a meal or they can make morning workouts a part of their day. This will help you tone your muscles, strengthen your bones, and keep your body healthy.

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