Dr. Brahmanand Nayak

Hemorrhoids also known as piles, are swollen veins in the lower rectum or anus. It is the result of applying too much pressure during bowel movements. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external and it is a common ailment that affects adults. So, in this blog, I will talk about Ayurvedic treatment for piles which is quite popular across the globe.

Also Read: Why Piles spikes up in summer?

What are Hemorrhoids?

The tissue inside the anus fills with blood to regulate bowel movements. Spending long time sitting on the toilet puts more pressure on the veins which leads to this condition called hemorrhoids. Diarrhea or constipation also put strain and can increase pressure on veins in the anal canal, leading to this condition. 

Also Read: Ayurvedic Treatment for Anal Fissures

What causes Hemorrhoids? 

Hemorrhoids can occur for the following reasons:

  • Pushing to complete a bowel movement which can lead to excessive straining and can increase pressure on rectal veins.
  • Persistent diarrhea or constipation, which puts increased pressure on veins in the anal canal.
  • Being overweight or excess weight in the abdomen and pelvis, may increase pressure on pelvic veins.
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy and during labour may cause hemorrhoids because of the intense pressure on the anal area while pushing to deliver the baby.
  • Long-term heart and liver disease may cause blood to pool in the abdomen and pelvic area, enlarging the veins.
  • Anal Intercourse
  • Hereditary 
  • Aging 

Also Read: Ayurvedic Treatment for constipation

What are the symptoms?

The common signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

  • Painless bleeding during bowel movements 
  • Itching or irritation in anal region due to the bulging which may secrete mucus.
  • Leakage of feces
  • Pain, discomfort or the urge to pass stool right after having a bowel movement.
  • Swelling around anus
  • A lump near anus, which may be sensitive or painful
  • Rectal bleeding

Emergency care must be taken if large amounts of rectal bleeding, lightheadedness, dizziness or faintness are experienced. Because rectal bleeding can be the cause for anal or rectal cancer. Other medical conditions can be: 

Did you know?

Did you know that 75% of people develop hemorrhoids at some stage in their life and that by the age of fifty? 

Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles

Ayurvedic medicine involves diet, herbal medicines, and lifestyle changes and it is highly effective in treating hemorrhoids. Ayurveda advises patients to eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber which make passing stools easy. Foods that are hard to digest should not be consumed. Regular exercise must be done to help treat this disorder. Adding foods that are rich in probiotics helps in treating this problem. Eating dried figs is an excellent way to keep hemorrhoids at bay.

Home remedies you can try

  • You can often relieve the mild pain, swelling and inflammation of hemorrhoids with home treatments. Often these are the only treatments needed.
  • It is advisable to soak the anal area in plain warm water for 10 to 15 minutes two to three times a day. 
  • Bathe daily to cleanse the skin around your anus gently with warm water, without soap, as it may complicate the problem. It is better to dry the area with a dryer.
  • Apply ice packs on the anus to relieve swelling.

A word of advice:

  • Wear cotton underwear to prevent moisture buildup, which can irritate hemorrhoids. 
  • Wear loose clothing for free movement and to reduce extra pressure on the anal area. 
  • Avoid rubbing the anal area.

Testimonial: Ayurvedic treatment for piles

Mr. Shiju Menon 54 years – Supervisor

I have had hemorrhoids for many years. It took almost a year to realize that I had this problem. I consulted Dr. Brahmanand Nayak. He examined me thoroughly and told me that I have external hemorrhoid. He advises a few lifestyle changes and put me on strict diet plan and gave me some medicines to be taken regularly. I have been on this medication for 2 months now. I feel my condition has improved to a large extent and I am able to pass stool without any difficulty. 

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