Ayurvedic treatment for Anxiety Neurosis

Dr. Brahmanand Nayak

Anxiety Neurosis is a mental condition where a person keeps thinking or worrying continually. It could be as simple as getting a birthday present or preparing dinner for guests or a crumbling marriage or thoughts of death. Patients with anxiety neuroses are generally anxious. In this blog, I will be sharing Ayurveda’s take on Anxiety Neurosis and Ayurvedic treatment for Anxiety Neurosis.

What is Anxiety Neurosis? 

People who exhibit emotional instability and keep thinking of an impending disaster are said to be neurotic. Neurosis refers to mental worries and nervousness. Psychoanalysts says its the subconscious mind that sometimes gives alarming reactions to situations that are not alarming at all. In other words, it is like the brain gives wrong directions and signals to a situation.

Also Read: Bhramari Pranayama in Anxiety Neurosis

What causes Anxiety Neurosis?

There are many factors that can trigger anxiety neurosis, including a person’s thinking pattern. A person who is not flexible in his or her thoughts is more likely to suffer from anxiety neurosis. Their conviction about a problem or viewpoint or an idea tends to throw them in a spiral of negative throughts. In most cases, the patient person is not even aware of the situation, which makes them very vulnerable.

In addition to these, other causes that can lead to this mental condition includes:

  • Genetics/heredity
  • Bitter Experiences
  • Chemical imbalances 
  • Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
  • Financial worries
  • Marital problems
  • Social life complications

Also Read: 10 Easy and Natural Remedies for Anxiety

What are the symptoms?

Anxiety has both external and internal symptoms. External symptoms can be skin disorders, frequent sweating, and dryness in the mouth. While internal symptoms can be headaches, high blood pressure, nausea, insomnia, impotence, and twitching. In addition, some people also experience difficulty in concentration, irritability, short temper and difficulty in retaining information.

It is also noted that patients who experience anxiety neurosis tend to dress differently and behave in a different manner. Further, some patients also report of helplessness, fear, panic, phobia, tension, and mental confusion. Also, dryness of mouth and throat, digestion issues, profuse sweating and fatigue are also reported.

Did you Know?

Dr. William Kullen, from Scotland, used the term Neurosis in 1769. He said that the term referred to “disorders of sense and motion” caused by “general affection of the nervous system”.

How Ayurveda can help?

Ayurvedic treatment looks at the dysfunction of the brain and tries to correct that by strengthening the nerve cells in the brain and improving the coordination between the neurotransmitters and the nerve cells of the entire nervous system.  Herbal medicines are highly effective in correcting the central nervous system especially the brain.

It can bring about a dramatic change in the way an individual thinks and alter the person’s natural response and reduce anxiety level and boost the person’s confidence level, reduce anxiety level and bring about natural well-being. At times aggressive treatment is provided in certain severe cases along with counselling and psychotherapy. 

Home remedies you can try:

Exercise – Regular exercise is a must. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to feeling low and anxious. Exercise on the other hand releases chemicals in the brain that improves thinking and feeling. 

Research and Understanding – It is important to learn and understand the feeling of anxiety and triggers. The more and better the understanding the effect is the way a person can handle a situation. 

Relaxation – Indulge in deep breathing, muscle relaxation, visualization and meditation. 

A word of advice: 

It is highly recommended to take a walk in the park or take your dog for a walk and get away from being alone. Doing things like this work wonders to your mind and relaxes you in the best way possible. 


Shreya – 32 years Media Professional. 

I was diagnosed with acute anxiety neurosis with suicidal intentions. It was a surprise to all because I was a happy and chirpy girl in college. Work pressure and my mother’s death triggered the thought of loneliness and depression to the extent that I wanted to end my life. I consulted a psychologist to help me. He put me on a few tablets and instructed me to have a normal and relaxed lifestyle. It did help for some time. But  I was getting addicted to the tablets and soon I stopped anxiety levels increased.

That’s when met Dr. Brahmanand Nayak and explained my condition. He understood my problems and advised me to go for regular exercise. I joined the gym, got a few relaxing massages and took regular Ayurvedic medication. These simple things have changed something within my mind. I no more feel that weight of depression or see life in the darkness. So, Ayurvedic treatment has definitely worked for me!

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