Top Ayurvedic doctor shares very important insights on treating varicose veins with simple ayurvedic remedies
Ayurvedic Medicines

Brahmi for Varicose Veins – Is it effective?

Have you spotted bulging, swollen, bluish-purple veins on your legs? 

This is a common condition and is known as varicose veins. In some cases, patients may not experience any pain, but in most cases, patients complain of pain and discomfort.

Because varicose veins are usually perceived as a minor health problem, they are often left untreated. But without early and appropriate treatment, varicose veins can lead to severe complications. Ayurveda suggests the use of natural herbs and a nutritional diet for varicose veins treatment. And now even modern research is suggesting the use of Brahmi for varicose veins. 

Before understanding the use of Brahmi for varicose veins, let’s take a deeper dig into this condition.

Also Read: Amazing DIY Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

Why do I have varicose veins?

Varicose veins commonly known as spider veins are fairly common. It occurs mostly in the aged population, patients suffering from obesity, or pregnant women. But, the cases of varicose veins are on a constant rise because of the long sitting or standing hours at a job. Like desk jobs or behind-the-counter jobs, nursing, and teaching can increase the risk of varicose veins. Hormonal changes are yet another possible cause of this condition.

Varicose veins are more common in women than men, but men too can get them. Another common perception is that varicose veins occur in the hands and legs, but in reality, they can occur in any part of the body. In fact, Haemorrhoids, which are a very common condition, are a type of varicose veins.

Mainly, weak and damaged valves of the veins are responsible for this condition. 

Our arteries are responsible for carrying blood from our heart to the whole body. While the veins deliver the deoxygenated blood from the whole body to our heart. Since the veins in our legs have to work against gravity, there is more strain on them. 

Standing or sitting for long hours can promote this condition. Also, wrong dietary choices like a diet lacking in fibre and high in salt might be responsible for the veins to lose their elasticity. Lack of exercise or wearing tight-fitted clothes for long hours can also contribute to this condition.

Also Read: Brahmi: The Ayurvedic Herb for Effective Varicose Vein Treatment

Varicose Veins Treatment

People who suffer from varicosis often try home remedies or pain medications, which give them temporary relief. Ayurveda has always suggested herbal remedies and dietary alterations to tackle this condition and thankfully, now modern medicine is saying the same thing. 

Brahmi for varicose veins

Research shows that Brahmi provides essential nutrients necessary for toning the veins and reducing inflammation of the veins. It is a rich source of zinc which can help soothe the itchiness of varicose veins. This herb further aids in preventing blood clotting which is a major complication of this condition.

A recent Italian study involving 87 patients, found that Brahmi could strengthen veins. People who consumed Brahmi for two months showed remarkable improvements in the functioning of their veins. The study further noted no adverse effects resulting from the use of this herb.

Another research on the prevalence of varicose veins among elderly patients revealed that age, sex, lifetime occupation, smoking, alcohol, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity can contribute to the increased risk of this condition.

Also Read: Health Benefits of Brahmi

Herbal remedies for Varicose Veins

Brahmi is the best natural herb that has been used to treat varicose veins for ages. Apart from this potent herb, ginger, onion, and garlic are also effective against varicose veins. They both tend to break down the protein and distribute them evenly throughout the body. Garlic is also helpful against inflammation and swelling of the varicose veins. And ginger promotes the circulation of blood preventing the formation of blood clots.

Other than these herbs, lifestyle and dietary changes too can aid in relieving this condition. 

  • Patients suffering from varicose veins must do mild exercise for 30 minutes every day.
  • Yoga too is an effective remedy for controlling varicose veins.
  • Cut down your salt consumption.
  • Put your feet up to relieve the pressure from the legs and improve blood circulation through your legs.
  • Don’t sit or stand for too long.
  • Add fresh fruits and whole grains to the diet.
  • Avoid spicy processed foods and red meat.
  • Drink water to keep the blood circulation smooth.
  • Spinach and carrot juice can help in fulfilling the nutritional requirements.

Also Read: Brahmi: Home Remedies for Optimal Health


You must not massage any oil directly on the varicose veins. This could increase pressure on them. Simply apply the oil over the affected area without applying any pressure.

Avoid heavy exercises as they tend to stress the veins even more. This stress might lead to rupture or permanent damage to the veins.

Your takeaway!

Ayurveda has always advocated the use of natural remedies rather than depending on pain killers and now modern medicine is recommending the same. If you are suffering from varicose veins or have spotted the purplish web of veins then consult your doctor immediately for early treatment. When diagnosed early this condition can be treated with Ayurvedic remedies.

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